A tearful encounter in Atlanta, a place where it's difficult not to conclude that the US is a nation that is run by fear & racism... Click here to view the full article.
Gary Moller Comments:
This is a must read account from Gareth Morgan's motorcycle tour of the good old US of A. Somewhat depressing and confirmation to me that we should all be very concerned about what is going on over there.
Gareth was a year ahead of me at Putaruru High and we have crossed tracks many times over the years. Gareth is testament to just how good the State School system was back in the 1960's. It was a tough and authoritarian system and it taught guys like Gareth to be equally tough, to stand up to the establishment and ask the hard questions of authority, which would lash back without mercy! I hated secondary school; but it taught me a lot about life!
1 comment:
as Greenpeace says think globally and act locally
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