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Monday, August 21, 2006

More Studies Find Link Between Heart Disease and Inflammation

More Studies Find Link Between Heart Disease and Inflammation
"Two studies an ocean apart illustrate the growing importance of inflammation as a contributor to heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases, according to a study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine......."
Gary Moller Comments:

Inflammation is the process by which the body responds to injury. Some studies suggest that inflammation is important in atherosclerosis. This is the process in which fatty deposits build up in the lining of arteries. The end result can be heart attack or stroke.
Current medical treatment for reducing cardiovascular risk almost always involves cholesterol lowering medication, commonly statins. There is some evidence that statins reduce markers of inflammation by about 15% as well as reducing cholesterol levels. The usual advice about eating your fruit and vegetables is given passing attention within the treatment mix. I am certainly not endorsing statins for lowering heart disease risk because these drugs can and do have some pretty nasty side effects that I will write about in another article. Why prescribe expensive and potentially dangerous drugs when there is so much that one can do for oneself naturally? A lot more than just 15%.
To discourage inflammation naturally
  • Eat plenty of anti-oxidant-packed foods such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, apples, carrots, peppers. (I recommend the Pams frozen berries from Pack 'n Save for best value).
  • Add extra vitamin C to your diet by way of a daily supplement
  • Eat flaxseed, wheat germ and walnuts
  • Supplement your diet with Omega 3 oils like flax seed, fish and olive oil
  • Eat fish, particularly the oily ones 2 or more times a week
  • Reduce pro-inflammatory foods such as meat, sugar, white flour and fried and fast foods
  • Get your vitamin D levels tested. If the resulting figure is below 50, you must get these boosted.
  • If you have a chronic infection of any kind, get it treated properly
One of the most implicated culprits for chronic inflammation is bad teeth and gum disease. If you have tooth decay, see a dentist. If you have gums that bleed easily, get the dentist to remove any buildup of bacterial deposits between the gums and the teeth and do twice daily brushing and flossing. Clean your tongue with your tooth brush so that it is pink and fresh to the eye.


Wayne said...

walnuts that are bought already shelled have rancid fat in them, oxidised by the exposure to air, the omega 3 is very prone to this typ e of damage, only eat walnuts that have been freshly shelled, soak in water for a few hours to neutralise enzyme inhibitors that will, you guesed it, inhibit your digestive enzymes, dont eat ground flax seed for the same reason

Anonymous said...

I am concerned that meat is included in the list of pro-inflammatory agents as a general heading. I want to clarify that not all meat is equal.

Organically grown pasture-fed meat from any farm animal is a healthy choice of food for most people.

Concerns arise when animals are fed on grains and other products that are not a part of their natural diet, and when they are kept in sheds under stressful conditions with little or no exposure to sunlight. I agree that the meat from these animals are not a healthy food option.

Gary Moller said...

Astarte, Please correct me if I am wrong: My understanding is the problem is excessive total protein, be it from any source at all?? Please clarify.

Of course, meat is fine - important - but all things in moderation eh?

With regards to grain fed beef I agree with your distate of the industrial practice that has grass-eaters being forced to eat corn that is supplemeted with rendered cow parts and other matter. They can only do this with daily administration of antibiotics. They live in their faeces, crammed together in horrendous conditions.

These factory farms should have their walls removed so that the consumer can see what they are eating.

Thank goodness we do not have this abhorrent practice in New Zealand!