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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Which Waihi Bush Flax Seed Oil blend is the best for you?

In this video presentation I explain which of the Waihi Bush flax seed oil blends is right for you and when to switch between blends.

Available from


Wayne said...

fish oils is far superior for omega 3's , flax oil is poorly converted into the form of omega 3 the body needs, which is already in fish oil

Gary Moller said...

Thanks for the comments Wayne, it is good to have some debate. I was talking to a nutritionist today about this very topic. It is far from clear cut.

By blending flax oils one can adjust the omega ratios to suit. I don't think this can be done with fish oil - not that you would need to.

Flax oil can be used in many ways fish would not - in salads, as a butter substitute on your weetbix and so on. Kids can take it straight.

It is much cheaper than fish oil and tastes good, so does not need expesive encapsulation.

If the body has been starved of omega 3 oils of the vegetable kind there can be a short period of a few weeks while the body adjusts.

Many people have trouble with fish oil and flax is an alternative to try.

The flax seed I sell comes straight from Geraldine in the South Isl. I know it is fresh and organic and sustainably farmed. It is mercury free. As the recent Consmer study showed, the quality of fish oils varies.

I personally tolerate flax oil better than fish (tend to burp the fish oil) and I like the fact that no fish were killed in its making. Oh, I do take cod liver oil now and then - and fish oil sometimes here and then.

Wayne said...

the body can't use the omega 3 in flax oil without converting it first to teh same kind of omega 3 oil found in fish oil , a conversion process which isnt very efficient, as we get older it becomes even less efficientwaynerclark