These are conditions which make a patient's symptoms (or even themselves generally), feel; 'better' or 'worse'.
Examples of qualifiers and modifiers are; time of day, body positioning and movement, various atmospheric and seasonal weather patterns, items of food and drink and emotional and experiential conditions.
All of us, even when we're well, are affected by one or more of these conditions and probably don't even realise it. One person may possess an absolute dislike for hot, humid weather for instance; whereas another person may revel in it. What one person avoids - another may seek. So qualifiers and modifiers are not just limited to sick people!
Conditions that make symptoms WORSE:
Air; stuffy and warm, Kali s, Nat sAlcohol; 2 drinks or more, Mag p
Afternoon; early evening, Kali s
Being alone, Kali p
Clothing: tight, Nat s
Clothing; uncovered, Sil
Cold applications to affected area, Mag p
Cold, draughts, Mag p, Kali p, Calc p, Sil
Company, excitement; prolonged effects of, Kali p
Dry heat, Kali m, Ferr p
Early morning; night, Sil
Evening; late afternoon, Kali s
Excitement, company; prolonged effects of, Kali p
Exertion; physical, Kali m, Ferr p, Kali p
Food, rich and fatty, Kali m, Nat p
Full moon, Sil
Glare; bright lights, Mag p, Kali p
Heat; dry, Kali m, Ferr p, Nat m
Hot applications to affected area, Kali m, Ferr p
Jarring movements, Ferr p, Mag p
Mental exertion, Kali p
Morning; upon arising, Sil, Calc f, Kali p
Night-time, Mag p
Night, early morning, Sil
Noise, Mag p, Kali p
Physical exertion, Kali m, Ferr p, Kali p
Rest, lying down, Sil, Calc f, Nat m
Stress; worry, Kali p, Mag p
Stuffy, warm, airless rooms, Kali s, Nat s
Touching; affected part lightly, Mag p
Uncovered; clothing, Sil
Waking, morning, Sil, Calc f, Kali p
cold, Mag p, Sil, Calc f
damp, Nat s, Kali s, Calc p, Sil, Calc f
hot, Kali p
hot, humid & changeable, Nat s, Kali s
springtime, changes dry to wet, Calc p, Kali s, Nat s
thunderstorms, Nat p
Conditions that make symptoms feel BETTER:
Air; fresh, cool and open, Kali s, Nat sAlcohol; 1 drink only, Mag p
Bending; double, Mag p
Carbohydrates; eating, Mag p
Changing body position often, Nat s
Clothing; tight, Nat m
Cold applications to affected area, Kali m, Ferr p, Calc f
Cold bathing, Nat m
Company, excitement; initial effects of, Kali p
Cool, fresh open air, Kali s, Nat s
Covering-up at night, Sil
Daytime; once up and about, Sil, Calc f, Kali p
Eating, Kali p
Eating refined carbohydrates, Mag p
Excitement, company; initial effects of, Kali p
Firm pressure or rubbing affected area, Mag p
Fresh open air, Kali s, Nat s
Frequent changes of body position, Nat s
Hot applications to affected area, Mag p
Keeping still, Kali m, Ferr p
Movement; motion S, Calc f, Kali p, Nat m
Open fresh air, Kali s, Nat s
Rest; lying down, Kali p
Pressing; rubbing affected area, Mag p, Sil, Calc f
Warmth, Sil, Calc f, Mag p, Kali p, Calc p
dry, Nat s, Kali s, Calc p, Calc s, Sil, Calc f
Hot, humid, Sil
summertime, or hot and humid, Sil
warm, dry and stable, Nat p, Kali p, Mag p, Calc p, Sil, Calc f

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