by Jeffrey Dach MD
Case Number One, Martha
Martha is 55 years old, healthy and no history of heart disease. Nonetheless, Martha has been taking a statin drug for "high cholesterol" under the care of "the top cardiologist" in South Florida for the past five years. Martha has also under my care taking a bioidentical hormone program for menopausal symnptoms which have all resolved by now. Every six months, we run a lab panel which always shows low choesterol of 170, courtesy of her statin anti-cholesterol drug.
Left Image: courtesy of Uffe Ravnskov, Fat and Cholesterol Are Good For You, book cover.
Just Ask Judith Walsh MD in JAMA
And, every time Martha comes into the office to review her lab results, I print out a 2004 JAMA article by Judith Walsh, MD who reviewed thirteen statin drug clinical trials from 1966 to 2003.(1) Dr. Judth Walsh concludes that cholesterol lowering drugs provide no health benefit for women. I give her this article and, at the same time, explain to her that no woman should be on a statin drug. Lowering cholesterol with a statin drug has no health benefit for women, that's a fact, and ......
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