Mary-Ann Moller |
All supplements are dodgy!!!
....No they're not...but I feel like this episode of "The 3rd Degree -
Exercise addicts: what's really in pre-workout supplements" which
screened on NZ TV Wednesday 25th September, presented a very biased case
on the matter. Reporting at it's absolute worst....or best....depends
what way you look at it. Not only were they trying to get the message
across that pre-workout supplements are dodgy, but also that all sports
supplements are dodgy. This is my attempt to inform you better on
pre-workout supplements, since the media is only out to make a good story.
Follow this link to view the clip, and I will debrief with you after.
"Debrief with you" is code for "I'll tell you what I think!" I have also
picked apart bits of the dialogue to critique as appropriate, which I
will have highlighted in italics.
Mary-Ann's complete article here:
The advice in these articles is given freely without promise or obligation. Its all about giving you and your family the tools and information to take control of your health and fitness.
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