My Vit D was 63 - which is the lower end of the scale.??
Mum's was 41.
Dr said he has no idea what is wrong with my calf, never struck it before. Have had little pain for over a week now, then Wednesday I felt my calf ' clinch' again and it has ached ever since. I was aware of it as soon as I woke up this morning too. No walk. Tried to get appt with Dr today so he could see what it is like when sore, no go. Tried to get appt with physio, no go. She must have realised that I was close to tears as she rung back and said if there was a cancellation she would fit me in. Told me not to walk meanwhile. Seeing her on Monday. Really really depressed and fed up now!"
Gary Moller comments:
The modern health system is failing many people because it is based on an inapproriate medical-financial model that treats all diseases as it would an infection or a broken bone.
This woman has been struggling for years with all kinds of health problems, aches and pains, depression and very gradually getting worse. It took several months for us to get the vitamin D test completed and the results are revealing. Cause for concern while also being very good news. Bear in mind that these vitamin D results are her seasonal peak, having been taken towards the end of summer. They will now begin to plummet with winter setting in. Bad news unless corrective action is taken.
Optimum for vtamin D is 120+ especially if one is struggling with illness. Low vitamin D is a factor in depression and muscle and joint pain.
Ongoing physiotherapy, anti-depressants, pain killers and anti-inflammatories are largely a waste of time for her because none of these deal with the root causes of her pain which are to do with lifestyle factors that have been in place and have been doing their damage for decades.
She should also be referred for counselling because she could do with this as support and the Dr can not provide this service during appointments that are just 15 minutes duration. The problem is that a referral to counselling is costly to the patient and this may be a further source of stress. With 99% of the national health $$ tied up in pharmaceutical and surgical based healthcare, there is little funding or investment in these ancillary services.
This lovely person needs to make significant longterm changes to diet and lifestyle, including the way she exercises and she needs to get out in the sun more (without burning of course!). Sadly, the medical system, as it is, is very limited in what it can do to help.
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