I have produced the following video that runs through the main things that you can do. These focus on:

- Establishing your vitamin D status and improving levels to optimum
- Establishing your Mineral status including any toxic effects from heavy metals
- Optimum nutrition, including natural supplements
Whatever you decide, it is important to consult your medical specialist and heed the advice given. Rest assured that the advice given here should not in any way work against your medical care - in fact it should be highly complementary.
Possible factors for developing MS may be from some kind of combination of these:
- Chronic stress
- Diet that is low in the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)
- Exposure at some time in the past to toxins such as heavy metals
- A diet that is low in minerals
- Low in the B group of vitamins
- Low vitamin D from lack of sunlight
- A viral infection at some time in the past such as shingles
Triggers of an acute flare-up may possibly be factors like an unusual period of stress, being stuck in a cold, sunless place for an extended period of time, poor sleep, sickness and a period of poor eating. Again, we are describing a combination of seemingly unrelated factors.
This short video explains what MS is:
"A number of environmental factors are involved in the etiology of multiple sclerosis (MS). One finding that has been known since the early 20th century is that there is a latitudinal dependence of MS prevalence, with MS prevalence increasing very strongly with increasing latitude. This has been linked primarily to solar UVB through the production of vitamin D, and, to a lesser extent, increased consumption of dietary fat with latitude. In addition, viral infections have been found associated with development of MS. The mechanisms whereby vitamin D reduces the risk of MS are now fairly well understood. Both dietary changes and UVB/vitamin D therapy appear to be useful in treating MS. It is estimated that if all Americans had the UVB/vitamin D status of those living in southern U.S. states, the numbers of those with MS in the U.S. would be 200,000, rather than 400,000. "
Reference: Sunarc.org
you MUST avoid red meat and dairy food totally, multiple sclerorosis sufferers have an imbalance in teh reaction to animal foods whreby their blood thickens to a point of restricting blood flow to teh point of causing nerve damage, this is not widely recognised by the medical fraternity, but I know of people with MS who are toally symptom free by following these recommendations
read the section on Multiple sclerosis
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