.... I received the book as a Christmas present and couldn't put it down. I found my Christmas and New Year home projects getting in the way of reading the book.
As a former harrier with the Owairaka club running at the same time as Lorraine set out on her career I found her story a truly compelling read...."
"I've just last night finished Lorraine's autobiography. Its excellent - did you know you had not only an international runner in the family but also a writer of considerable ability? its a comedy, a tragedy and epic all rolled into one: when is Peter Jackson calling?"
"I am a little over half way through Lorraine's book now, and loving it. If I didn't have a one year old to run around after (just lost my cell phone to the toilet - what fun to throw things in there!), or need sleep, I probably wouldn't put the book down. And there aren't many books that keep my attention... she has an impeccable memory, or kept a very detailed diary!"
"Hi Gary....
Just thought I would let you know I have finally read Lorraine's novel and

It was an incredibly inspiring and unstoppable read (I read it in 2 days!) not just for the athlete, aspiring athlete or runner, but also for women generally. I loved how Lorraine gave such candid insight to the fact that 'superstars' are human too capable of making the same very human mistakes we all can make.
I felt like she was in part, telling my story & yet my so-called athletic ability never made it beyond the South Island Champs!! I also loved the ending; how it implied that acceptance of who you are as a person, warts and all, is the ultimate prize, the true 'gold'. ...."
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