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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Which mineral supplement is best?

"Is there a mineral supplement on the market that contains the proper ratios of minerals?"
Gary responds:
Since the beginning of this year I have had second thoughts about multi vitamins and multi mineral supplements.  This is after completing two courses by different agencies on mineral therapy.  There is no "one size fits all" supplement.

When one looks at the makeup of minerals within a healthy body, even going so far as to examine the mineral differences between various healthy organs, such as the bones versus the liver, we find there are twelve salts made up of 18 elements (plus some trace minerals).  The amount of each varies by organ; so the liver contains high ratios of ferrous sulphate whereas the bones have much higher ratios of calcium phosphate to the other 11.  

Given that there are specific salts in exact ratios in each healthy organ, it just does not make sense to bombard the body with a whole lot of minerals using a "one size fits all" approach.  Many mineral supplements are chemically designed so that the mineral forces its way into the cell. Chelated minerals are examples of this.  While this may quickly correct the deficiency of the mineral, it may cause a huge imbalance between minerals, so one must take great care with these.

If calcium phosphate is what is found in the healthy body, so it does not make sense to pump calcium carbonate or calcium gluconate into the body as a supplement.  If calcium flouride is what is found naturally in the body, it does not make sense to put sodium flouride into our drinking water.

The better approach is to assess as best one can, which tissue salts are most likely to be lacking and to gradually drizzle identical salts into the body over several weeks in amonts that the body is able to absorb without the risk of overload.  Only the salts that are assessed to be lacking are replaced and not the ones that appear to be least in need.  

This is why the Active Elements programme replenishes only up to eight of the 12 tissue salts at any time.  The process of constant review may result in a change in formulation as the tissue salts are replenished.  It is a bit like herding sheep into a narrow pen - heading as steadily and patiently as one can in one direction while being prepared to chop and change a little in response to constantly varying symptoms.

Taking as much guesswork out of mineral therapy saves a person money because only those minerals that one really needs are prescribed.

So, I am most in favour of the Active Elements programme for mineral prescription.  It is best done in conjubnction with readings from a set of Salter 9106 scales which provide accurate feedback on nutrition, exercise and other health interventions.  I am almost giving these away so that clients can send me regular, accurate body composition information.

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