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Friday, November 05, 2010

FDA Says Osteoporosis Drugs Cause Femur Fractures

by Jeffrey Dach M

"The FDA issued a news release Oct 13, 2010 warning of "possible" risk of femur fractures caused by the osteoporosis drugs of the bisphosphonate family (fosamax, alendronate, boniva, actonel, reclast, etc.). The FDA also ordered this warning to appear on the drug label. This new FDA warning was recommended by the ASBMR Task Force. They found that almost all women suffering from atypical mid-femur fracture were taking bisphosphonates (American Society of Bone and Mineral Research). This same ASBMR task force reported in 2007 the increased incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw in women on bisphosphonates. I find all this ironic, since osteoporosis drugs are marketed and sold as fracture preventive, not fracture causative." Please go here for the entire article...
Above left image : Red Arrow shows Typical Cortical Thickening and Tranverse Mid Femur Fracture on Bisphosphonates. Image courtesy of Dr Jörg Schilcher and Per Aspenberg, Acta Orthop . 2009 August 7; 80(4): 413–415. Incidence of stress fractures of the femoral shaft in women treated with bisphosphonates.
I have written many articles over several years warning about the dangers of taking this class of drug (bisphosphenates).  Despite all of the warnings, these harmful drugs continue to be dished out to women, young and old, with the false claim that they will improve bone health which is rubbish.  These are not harmless lollies: They kill off healthy bone.

Please read what Dr Dach has written on the topic and follow the links from the "labels" listed below this article.  There are effective healthy alternatives, starting with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. If you have a loved one who is on "bone sparing" drugs such as Actonel or Fosamax, forward this article onto them.

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