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Monday, November 08, 2010

More evidence that Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs cause significant harm

"Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs significantly increase a person's risk of cataracts, muscle weakness, liver dysfunction and kidney failure, according to a study in the British Medical Journal." Medpage Today
While this study adds to the growing body of evidence that statins cause more harm than good, my view is that the harm being caused is still far greater than what is being reported.  Especially among those trying to remain active, as compared to the majority (Couch Potatoes).

Statins have a much more damaging effect on people who are active and I see this constantly probably because I am working mostly with active people; or - in cases of statin use - people who are struggling to remain active.  Liver and kidney damage from statin use need not be complete failure for it to wreak untold damage on one's health; even slight organ damage will show as fatigue and a steady deterioration of health that may never be linked to statin use.

Few adverse drugs reactions ever get onto official databases.  Less than 10% and probably actually less than 1%.  Of all the cases of adverse reactions with statin use that I know of, none have ever been reported to Medsafe.  The bar is too high for proof of harm and there is a general reluctance to report any other than the most serious of adverse events.

Statins interfere with an essential substance called "Coenzyme Q-10".  Active people require much more - not less Q-10.  Without adequate Q-10 muscles, including the heart will progressively begin to weaken.  Even the brain begins to falter.  Plummeting Q-10 levels are also associated with poor healing, impotence, muddled thinking, premature ageing of the skin and even the development of skin cancers.  The more active a person is, the more likely it is that they will suffer ailments like severe muscle wasting and disabling joint pain.  The Couch Potato, on the other hand, may plod along for a number of years with little or no obvious harm.

There are good natural alternatives to statin use; but getting cholesterol under control by natural methods alone may require significant changes to diet and lot of patience.  If cholesterol levels and ratios are "unhealthy" this is usually associated with a number of mineral imbalances.  For example; When the body has a deficiency of copper relative to zinc there is a decrease in the formation of HDL and an increase in LDL cholesterol.  Too much copper reduces thyroid activity.  It has been known for many years that low thyroid is associated with high cholesterol.  Rather than napalm the body with drugs like statins, it is better to lovingly treat any underlying causes, like restoring a healthy copper and zinc balance.  But this takes time; like several months in most cases.

Love your body - Don't Napalm it!

Sadly, the immediate fear of having a heart attack and the lack of support from medical professionals usually undermines the effective use of safe natural therapies while pushing the person onto fast-acting and costly drugs.  While there may be an immediate reduction of fear by the artificial suppression of cholesterol levels, the long-term outcome may be even poorer health.

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