Gary's new website

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Accurate thyrodine Iodine testing is now available here in New Zealand

The thyrodine test for assessing levels of iodine in the body is now available for my people.  Just $99.  This test fits beautifully with the ICl Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis which I have developed a specialty in.

Fatigue, fibromyalgia, joint pain, tendonitis, osteoporosis, brain fog, diseases of the nerves, adrenal fatigue, thyroid disease, blood pressure problems, cholesterol issues, fibrocystic breast disease, breast, ovarian, skin and prostate cancer, candida, hair loss, period problems, poor skin, allergies, weight gain, depression, low libido.

Anything to do with unwanted lumps, bumps and hard things


Consider the possibility of there being the combination of iodine deficiency, thyroid problems with adrenal fatigue.

My special interest is in applying this knowledge to athletes who are universally vulnerable to adrenal and thyroid disorders.  One of the keys to athlete performance and career longevity is being able to optimise adrenal and thyroid function.

Please watch the following videos from Dr Eric Bakker, Adrenal and thyroid guru, Dr James Wilson and Dr Daryl Turner, inventor of the Thyrodine Test and contact me if you want to take this further:

About this website 
The advice in these articles is given freely without promise or obligation. Its all about giving you and your family the tools and information to take control of your health and fitness.
Candida and Fungal Infections? Gary Moller recommends you explore this programme: Click Here!

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