Followers of this blog will be aware that I am not in favour of fluoridating municipal water supplies, not so much due to the matter of whether or not fluoride protects teeth or not, but because of concerns about damage to thyroid function (80% of the people I test have evidence of thyroid damage and the halides, fluorine, chlorine and bromine are prime suspects).
The debate over fluoride has been severely tarnished by emotive stances. I am very sad to say that the pro-fluoride camp has been the worst perpetrator by persistently attacking the messengers, consistently avoiding answering the questions, resorting, instead, to tactics that play on fear and guilt - mostly directed at parents of young children.
We are honoured to have Dr Paul Connett touring New Zealand to present a science-based analysis of the health benefits and non-benefits of fluoride. Unlike his opponents, Dr Cornet does not resort to emotive tactics and he plays the ball - not the man (or woman).
Please read the article below and please attend his public presentations. Whether fluoride is to be added to, or removed from your water supply, it is a hotly debated issue that is actually over to you - you as the rate payer to decide.
I urge you to please take this opportunity to meet and listen to one of the leading scientific authorities in the world on this topic. Let's get past the fear, the guilt and the emotion and let's make some evidence-based decisions about your family's health.
Speaking Tour of NZ 2014

Public Talks
Tuesday 4th February 7 - 9pm Mt Eden War Memorial Hall, 487 Dominion Road, Balmoral,Auckland
Facebook Event Page
Sunday 9th February 3 - 5pm The Cafe, The Lighthouse Church, Intermediate Street, Masterton
Facebook Event Page
Tuesday 11th February 7.30 - 9.30pm Welsey Church Hall, Taranaki Street, Wellington
Facebook Event Page
Thursday 13th February 7 - 9pm Raumati South Memorial Hall, Tennis Court Road
Facebook Event Page
Other Events
Saturday 15th February 1.30 - 5.30pm Massey University, Buckle Street, Wellington. Prof Connett has been invited to be a Panel Member for Discussion organised by Fluoride Information Network of Dentists. Professionals from both sides have been invited to discuss.
About Fluoridation
FAN's Overview of Water Fluoridation
FAN's Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Water Fluoridation
Dr John Colquhoun, Former Principal Dental Officer for Auckland, Chairman of the Fluoridation Promotion Soceity "Why I Changed My Mind".
Harvard IQ Study - Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
New Zealand Information
See details of previous tours:
Speaking Tour 2013
Speaking Tour 2011
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