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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Getting to the "Root Causes" of ill health (updated 12/08/14)

The following is correspondence from a man in his 30's who had mysteriously developed bilateral non-traumatic arthritis in his big toes. I get a lot of inquiries from readers about toe arthritis. Traditional solutions for this painful injury usually consist of orthotics, steroid injections and even surgery. But what is the root cause? Why would an otherwise apparently healthy person who is health conscious, develop arthritis in both feet for no apparent reason?

When it comes to health, I regard a person's feet as being their "canary's in the coal-mine". If something is amiss in the body, it may be the feet in which the first symptoms show. While treating the feet may be necessary, doing so while ignoring the systemic possibilities is a bit like killing the canary so that one can ignore the methane buildup in the mine.

In the following case, careful questioning and history-taking all pointed to the possibility that he was being chronically poisoned by dental infections. My advice was to urgently seek the services of a dentist.

My brother, the dentist, and my sister, the dental nurse, will both be very proud that their brother gave such sound advice!

You will gather, from the correspondence that follows, that it is very early days and it will be some time before we know if this man's sore feet are, in fact, being caused, or being made worse, by dental infections. We do know that dental abscesses can be systemically debilitating and are associated with conditions such as heart disease and it just so happens that there is a close link between heart disease and arthritis with infection being the commonality.

I'll let you know how he fares and if he recovers sufficiently to avoid surgery.

(The correspondence that follows is published with permission from the writer)

Hello Gary,
Well it appears your instincts were correct Gary. I saw the dentist today and he explained that I have a gum infection which is triggering a systemic inflammatory response. Additionally that tooth that is bothering me is actually two teeth that are fractured and both will need crowns. He says there is a point of no return with teeth being savable and I am very close to that point, he feels imminent treatment is necessary so I do not lose the teeth. He also wants to refer me to a surgeon to have the root canal extracted as he says it has failed, and also there are negative health effects due to the presence of the metals. All of this combined is putting enormous stress on my immune system and he believes that will manifest in various ways throughout the body (arthritic joints for example).

He also felt (as do you) that if left unresolved this could escalate into a full blown autoimmune problem and major health consequences moving forward. Apparently that has already begun to happen to some degree as I've suffered with this for around 2 years now (the root canal is even older dating back to 2001); I have escalating health issues and symptom now whereas I have always been perfectly healthy and lived a healthy lifestyle previously.

Most unfortunately for me at this time is that I cannot afford the dental treatments or the full array of blood tests, and I'm not sure taking the HTMA test matters much with these other unresolved issues going on. I will contact you again once I have been able to properly resolve these issues and take all of the suggested tests, and although that may take some time it is most definitely my top priority.

Thank You Gary for your excellent assistance and professional advice! I look forward to resuming with you when possible.
As it turns out, dealing with the gum infection is rather easy. The stressed teeth (fractured & root canal) obviously need other treatments but there are some simple things we can do to deal with the infection. The dentist said that the way you cure the gum infection is by using an interdental brush and baking soda:

Baking soda alkalizes the mouth raising the PH level which kills the bacteria. You should be brushing with baking soda anyway to keep the mouth alkaline, especially if you have low saliva as often occurs as a side effect of many pharmaceutical drugs. But regular brushing with baking soda will not solve the gum infection. You have to use an interdental brush to get the baking soda underneath the gum line. So what you do is make a paste with baking soda and water and then apply to the interdental brush and get inside the gap between the teeth and the gums all around the entire mouth. Also when you brush your teeth normally with baking soda using a regular toothbrush you should brush at a 45 degree angle and brush down into the gum line as well, as a preventative to gum disease. 

He also said that a far more effective approach then using a regular toothbrush at a 45 degree angle is to use a sonic toothbrush as the vibrations cause superior gum penetration that is most effective and cleaning underneath the gum line:
He said that is all it takes, and I am doing all of this now and will let you know how it goes.

I also started using this new product called "My Magic Mud" which uses charcoal, bentonite clay and other things to absorb toxins and clean the teeth. It is important to note that baking soda and My Magic Mud are used in place of toothpaste. That means that toothpaste is not used. Apparently toothpaste is very problematic and should not be used for a variety of reasons. An interesting online search might be something along the lines of "problems with toothpaste" or something similar.

And of course it is always a good idea to go in for a regular professional dental cleaning. Normally that is recommended every 6 months but I am going to go every 3 months to ensure I stay on top of this and keep my mouth healthy.

I will keep you posted on my progress!

PS: Here is an interesting video of my dental hygienist speaking with Dr. Mercola on dental hygiene:

Dr. Mercola Interviews Carol Vander Stoep about Dental Hygiene 

Gary: And here is another Mercola article and video on the topiv of dentistry:

Note: the image of this man's hair tissue mineral analysis test arrived shortly after submitting this article for publication.

The elevated Fe/Cu ratio is confirmation of a chronic infection, most probably dental.

The high K relative to Na is indicative of being in the exhaustion stage of stress.

According to Dr David L. Watts, elevated tissue iron occurs during a chronic infection, most often dental abscess. The sequestering of excess, during infection, iron occurs in joints, as well as other tissues such as the spleen. 

Iron is pro-inflammatory when in excess in the body.

The inflammatory effects of excess iron in joints may cause non-traumatic inflammation, pain and - presumably - degeneration of the joint structures if left unchecked for long enough.

So, this person needs to concentrate on infection control and adrenal support, including taking a very long holiday in a secluded tropical resort with all of his cares catered for.

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The advice in these articles is given freely without promise or obligation. Its all about giving you and your family the tools and information to take control of your health and fitness.
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