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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

About fibromayalgia

Interesting discussion which I hope you don't mind me making a contribution.

The solution to fibromyalgia is best through a series of interventions that are tailored on the needs of the individual as opposed to a one size fits all.  Each person is different in their needs (medication, lifestyle, nutrition, hormone balances, exposure to toxins, stress, infection etc etc).  Solutions will be temporary at best if not tailored, comprehensive and sprinkled with generous helpings of patience and persistence.

Here are a few articles I have written that are relevant:

You'll note that fibromyalgia (FM) is on the increase and mostly affects women.  The cause(S) is/are no mystery.

Fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues are essentially one and the same:

Even a low salt diet will cause severe symptoms of FM

Your Dr may be inadvertently making matters much worse, including the onset of Lupus:

Prednisone has been excessively relied on:

Its highly addictive and can cause huge longterm problems for the sake of temporary relief:

Over 90% of the people I have tested are iodine deficient or having trouble holding onto it.  Iodine deficiency is widespread and one of several factors leading to FM

The solution is to find an alternative health practitioner who can take a comprehensive holistic overview of your health and who understands how the body really works, starting with understanding that there are no singular solutions and definitely no BIG HITS, akin to the a B52 napalm bombing raid.  The solution comes from careful testing, looking at the patient instead of the computer screen and patiently picking away at the problem from a multitude of fronts. 

Unfortunately, such practitioners are few and far between and not withing the "establishment".  Therefore there are no medical subsidies for such services which can mean difficulties for those who are unwell with accessing such services.

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The advice in these articles is given freely without promise or obligation. Its all about giving you and your family the tools and information to take control of your health and fitness.
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