Gary's new website

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pfizer ends development of "blockbuster" cholesterol drug after excessive patient deaths

"I'm convinced that it works," said Dr. Norman Lasser, director of preventive cardiology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark.
Oops! I think he spoke too soon:
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced that it has ended a clinical trial for the highly anticipated cholesterol drug torcetrapib -- which raises levels of "healthy" HDL cholesterol -- after a high number of patients participating in the trial died or experienced cardiovascular problems.
Pfizer, the world's largest drug firm, was informed over the weekend that an independent board monitoring a study of torcetrapib found that 82 patients out of 7,500 who were taking the drug had died. Fifty-one patients out of 7,500 in the same study who were taking Lipitor -- Pfizer's best-selling cholesterol drug -- also died, though the company said it was not concerned over Lipitor's safety.
Gary Moller comments:
Chemically tinkering with the way the body does its job and expecting a favourable health outcome is a long shot. Its just another attempt to suck more money out of you via your body.
If you are on Lipitor, or similar cholesterol lowering drugs, talk to your Dr about natural alternatives. If you suffer any joint or muscle pain or feel weak, then go talk to your Dr right away.
Doing it naturally (before the Therapeutic Goods Authority gets in the way)
If you want to improve your good cholesterol naturally, try taking a quality natural vitamin B complex that contains niacin, boost your vitamin D by exposing your skin to sunlight, take cod liver oil during winter or if not going out in the sun often; take flax seed oil and fish oil daily, and use olive oil in your cooking. Reduce your intake of dairy, refined grains and sugars. Exercise briskly each day and go for a long walk along bush trails for up to 3 hours in the weekends, preferably without eating anything. Drink fresh water.

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