Alanine is found in all of human muscle and can also be located in many protein rich foods consumed in the human diet. It is important to note that although muscle may be its primary "resting ground," alanine is not limited to just muscular tissue. This important amino is also present in intestinal bacteria and prostate fluid. Research indicates that prostate health may be one of the most important conditions affected by the proper dietary supplementation of this alanine.
Alanine has been used in clinical applications to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, or hypertrophy of the prostate gland. This condition is characterized by the two growth periods of the prostate in male maturity. The second growth phase of the prostate occurs at the median age of 25 and because of this rapid growth, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is often reported years later. BPH is unlikely to cause symptoms before the age of 40, but it is estimated that more than 60% of men in their sixties and seventies suffer from the discomfort associated with this condition.
A recent independent study involved 45 men with BPH and concluded that 780mg of supplemented alanine per day, followed by two months of 390 mg, effectively reduced the symptoms and complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia. [2] *Glycine and glutamic acid were also included in this study. [3]* This may be of critical importance to men, seeming as some 4.5 million American males sought physician assistance for this condition in 2000 alone.
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Gary Moller comments:
Now in my 50's it is more or less mandatory to have a prostate exam consisting of a gloved finger inserted up the rectum and rotated about a little. This is a new experience for many men and, if you ask for a second opinion on the results, chances are you will receive the other finger!Jokes aside: I noticed a steady decline in the pee rate from about 50 years and wondered if this really was old age creeping in. Drip, drip.
Interestingly, this process of gradual constriction and getting up in the night to do little in the way of a pee has all but disappeared. The flow is back and I have been trying to figure out what has made the difference. A dramatic difference. The mystery of the shrinking prostate gland.
I have put it down to a few things; but can not zero in on just one. This is the problem with natural therapies which are so slow to take effect (months, years) that the cause-effect link can never be fully established.
I think that what may be doing the job is changes to my diet to now include foods that are rich in the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and avoiding the "99% fat-free" foods which I now consider to be death foods. I have also been actively boosting my vitamin D levels through sensible exposure of the body to sun (My D levels were low according to a blood test). I have also experimented with Balance Beta Alanine which has definitely improved my running and cycling, indicating that I had a chronic deficiency. It is only today that the link with prostate swelling has come to my attention. The other measure I have been working on is balancing my body tissue salts with the Active Elements programme. I am sure that this has been beneficial.

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