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Monday, December 14, 2009

Video of Drills to improve Running Technique

I have long been an advocate of running drills, especially for older athletes. As we age, we tend to lose good running form, transitioning over the years from free-flowing runners to creaky shufflers. This slow process of seizing up is much less to do with ageing and more to do with poor training structure.

As runners age they tend towards longer races and for training to be long, slow and all rather predictable.

It is all the more important, as we age, that we incorporate more speed and form work and less monotonous distance work. This should include weekly running drills. Running drills help maintain the stride length, leg speed, agility and strength. Whether you are training for a 4 hour marathon or a sub 20 min 5km race, this advice applies to you.

The video that follows demonstrates the basic running drills that all runners need to incorporate into their weekly training.

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