Hi Gary

My calf muscles were so tender, even just to touch. Every morning when I got out of bed, it was a matter of hobbling around the bedroom until after about 5 minutes when I could manage to walk properly. Amazingly, I tried numerous remedies, regimes, doctors, specialists, physios (3 lots of 6 week sessions), all to no avail. No-one seemed to even know what the problem was. Not even the specialist sports physician had the faintest idea what was wrong. He thought that it would take surgery to fix what he suspected was compartment syndrome. Then, out of sheer frustration, I discovered your web site ( by accident) and read about your super smoothie. I decided to give it a go (what could I lose) and incredibly within the space of 3 weeks, I experienced incredible improvement in my calves with the pain subsiding majorly. I was able to run again and within 6 weeks was pain free and can honestly say that your super smoothie has transformed me from a hobbling wreck to being able to run freely without pain again. I am convinced now that it was just a lack of nutrients that was the problem. So thankyou Gary. I am now back into my training and have my first 10 k in 3 weeks time. I then plan to do the Ohope Half in April, Christchurch in June. I am aiming to do sub 3 hours. Big ask I know, but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained. And the smoothie is taken religiously after each training session.
I have another issue that has now arisen, and was wondering whether you could help. I have developed a very sore point just in front of my right ankle. Having just come off a 2 week rest where I did no running at all I was hoping it might be better. Unfortunately it has remained the same. Do you know anyone in Auckland (some kind of foot specialist I guess) that I might be able to go and see to try and get this annoying (and painful) problem sorted. Any help you could give in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Gary responds:
This free service is dedicated to empowering readers to take control of their health, so I am delighted to get this kind of feedback (Please tell others of this service and please support my online store - Thanks).
When I look at the photos, there are two things that are most interesting: The distended veins that are visible through relatively transparent skin. These (The distended veins and skin transparency) are signs of weakening collagen. If you press on those veins while standing, you will feel the excessive pressure inside them.
Collagen is what gives the body structure and is found throughout the body, including the bones, skin, gut, blood vessels, muscles, tendons, cartilage and ligaments - everywhere! Weak collagen explains, in part or full, your injury history - including the long time to recover from the ankle break.
The Super Smoothie worked so well for you because a supply of high quality protein over the day is essential for healthy collagen, as well as recovery from exercise. But you need to go further if you are to get into the robustly healthy condition necessary to handle the kind of running you are aiming at.
"Relaxed veins", soft joint cartilage that is easily bruised and transparent skin indicate you may benefit from the following in addition to the Smoothie:
- Replace your inner soles with Formthotics Shock Stop and take
- Silica and calcium fluoride in the form of Active Elements 2.1
- Coenzyme Q-10
- ICL Algotene
I'll write the suitable doses on the labels. Use for three months and then review progress.
I recommend that you complete an ICL Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Profile Two to be much more precise with any interventions. Start with the above while awaiting the HTMA report which takes at least three weeks.
Do you have a question?
Email Gary: gary at myotec.co.nz (Replace the "at" with @ and remove spaces). Please include any relevant background information to your question.
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