If you are like me, you will love your butter on hot toast! However; I appreciate that it is a good idea to reduce total saturated fats in the diet especially as we get older. In fact it is even better to replace those saturated fats with those of the healthy kind; like olive oil and flaxseed oil - the kinds of oils that come with a list of health benefits too long to list.
Try this for a healthy butter subsitute on on your bread: Waihi Bush Flaxseed Oil. Just drizzle a little onto the bread, crackers or toast and then add your favourites spread. Yummy!

go on - frighten yourself! ;) :
cheers wheels
The facts about trans fats is frightening. Agree about the health benefits butter with a strong preference for butter from free-ranging grass fed animals. You will gather from my article that I am not saying "no butter". All things in moderation, I say and the best approach to an issue that is still surrounded with controversy. Incidentally, vit A and D are also found in cod liver oil which is cheap. My grandmother used to give it to us every time we visited!
Yes, we're lucky that NZ butter is free range and grass fed - some other countries don't have those health benefits at their fingertips.
Interestingly, Weston Price recommended cod liver oil as well, but said it's much more effective when accompanied by butter oil.
Cheers, Deb
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