Dietary deficiencies may be a more important factor with poor skin health than ageing

astoses. The pre-cancerous lesions have all dropped off. The elasticity of my skin has been restored. I have realised that diet has been the principal reason why my skin and health began to deteriourate at such an alarming rate. This deterioration coincided with my attempts to follow an increasingly "heart healthy" cholesterol lowering diet!
Photos: Clear skin once again despite all the damage
Lower your cholesterol: Ruin your skin and your health
My health is better than ever; I am running as well as I was 20 years ago and I am able to
mountain bike 4+ hours no problem.
Here is how I improved my skin and my health through six simple steps:
- Balance your Active Elements tissue salts - the key ones (not exclusively) for healthy skin being silicaea and calcium fluoride
- Ensure your diet is rich in the B vitamins and take extra during times of physical and emotional stress
- Have a good intake of all of the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)
- Have a good intake of a wide variety of fresh, industrially unadulterated oils and fats, including animal fats
- Ensure your diet is rich in plant antioxidants
- Avoid all processed foods as much as possible, especially those that are fat reduced and filled with carbohydrates and synthetic fillers
- Complete an Active Elements Assessment to work out your tissue salts needs
- Take a daily supplement that contains silicaea, the vitamin B6, zinc and manganese
- Take a daily B Stress vitamin
- Get rid of all fat reduced foods from your pantry. Do not have any fat reduced or homogenised dairy - search out and have plenty of full cream non-homogenised milk. If you can get it, have raw milk only. Have a wide variety of oils and fats while avoiding all hydrogenated oils and fats. A diet that is gnerous in healthy fats and oils will generally be rich in most of the fat soluble vitamins.
- Have fresh greens daily. Green vegetables are a rich source of vitamin K which has many health benefits including reducing wrinkles and varicose veins. Cook greens lightly in fat or oil to release the vitamin K. Being fat soluble, vitamin K needs to be dissolved in fat, so steaming is not good enough. If your lifestyle prevents regular greens consumption, then consider having in reserve a high quality supplement such as Load Up Fruitful Greens.
- Get some cheap frozen dark berries, or fesh ones, and make up a large bowl of fruit salad mostly made of berries and keep in the fridge. Add some Load Up Berry Brights to enrich the mixture. Have one to two plates of this daily along with home made yoghurt.
- Vitamin D: Get regular midday sunlight on your body especially your torso rather than arms, face and legs. If your are fair skinned, then 5-10 minutes either side is adequate. If your skin is naturally dark then you will need more sunlight. On sunless days, especially winter, take a vitamin D supplement.
- Eat a wide variety of fresh, quality meats, fish and other seafoods, carefully avoiding the intrensively farmed forms and preserved meats. Include a little animal fat and regular bone broths.
How obsessive is that!
No, don't be obsessive, although you need to be pretty diligent with matters for a while. All that you need to do is start with about 6-8 weeks of being as consistent as possible with your diet and supplements, then you can relax. Who cares if you have a day or two of indulgent slacking about here and there with your diet? Once you have built your internal nutritional reserves up to healthy levels, you then have a safety margin for periods of stress or deficiency (Such as during a Polar trek).
I personally never take supplements all the time. Instead, I will do a course of this or that supplement (according to need) and then give it a break and perhaps switch to another for a period (again, according to need). Most of my work goes into ensuring my diet is varied and nutritious with any supplements going on top for special needs such as now while I am doing mountain bike rides of up to five hours non stop.
To my surprise and great delight, as my skin has improved, so has my blood cholesterol (slightly) despite the high fat intake!
Do you have a question?
Email Gary: gary at myotec.co.nz (Replace the "at" with @ and remove spaces). Please include any relevant background information to your question.
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