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Monday, April 15, 2013

Report: Blood pressure surge 'alarming'

By Martin Johnston
5:30 AM Monday Apr 15, 2013
Fatal heart attacks likely to rise when linked with risks such as the obesity epidemic, warn researchers.
Compared with a 2002 Auckland study, average pressure had increased in most age/sex categories. Photo / Duncan Brown
Compared with a 2002 Auckland study, average pressure had increased in most age/sex categories. Photo / Duncan Brown
The average blood pressure of New Zealanders in middle life appears to have increased, an "alarming" finding that could contribute to a predicted rise in the heart attack death rate after a 40-year-long reduction.
Hypertension - abnormally high blood pressure - increases the risk of stroke, heart failure and heart-artery disease. It can also eventually damage the kidneys and eyes. High blood pressure can be caused by obesity, high intake of salt or alcohol, and lack of physical activity.
In 2008/9 Mew Zealand adults ate 9g a day, unchanged from a decade earlier and well above the recommended maximum intake of 5.8g.
Under pressure
31 per cent of adults have abnormally high blood pressure
15 per cent report taking drugs to reduce blood pressure
35-54 year-old NZ Europeans and others - average blood pressure up since 2002
35-74 year-old Maori - average blood pressure up since 2002
Source: Otago University and 2008/9 Adult Nutrition Survey
Elevated calcium = arteriosclerosis
Rising blood pressures is a concern.  However; medicating the problem and excessively restricting salt is not the solution and may actually cause a further reduction in health due to the many subtle side effects of medications.  Low salt may lead to confusion, fatigue, water retention and even osteoporosis.

Yes, there is far too much refined salt in the modern diet and this must be reduced.  The best way to reduce this is to avoid processed foods and fast foods as much as possible and replace these with good home cooking.

Replace refined salt with pink Himalayan salt

Compare the label of ingredients of pink salt with the list of elements on the hair tissue chart to the upper right and you will see a remarkable similarity:  They are almost the same!  Remarkable!  The salt of the Primordial Ocean (Himalayan) is very close to the mienral salts found in a healthy human cell - more or less.  I have discovered that pink salt appears to "normalise" blood pressure when used to replace refined salt.

Arteriosclerosis may be the most important driver of increasing blood pressure

This is the process of our gradually turning to stone: starting with the deposition of calcium in the arterial walls.  As the arteries calcify, they become increasingly inflexible, raising both systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

Have a look at the hair analysis chart above and you will note elevated calcium levels.  Low calcium, relative to magnesium is the pattern we look for that is indicative of the process of arteriosclerosis.  This pattern is present in about 80% of all hair tissue mineral analyses that I do, including children (early starters in the development of cardiovascular disease).

Incidentally, high calcium relative to potassium is the pattern that indicates a tendency for extreme fatigue and even depression.

Simply put: The problem of high blood pressure boils down to these:

  • Too much refined salt that has replaced the pink salt that has been used for thousands of years.
  • Too much calcium in the diet.
  • Not enough magnesium, other trace nutrients and nutritional cofactors.
Of course there are several other factors not to be ignored, such as being overweight, stress, smoking and lack of exercise; but the ones above are almost completely ignored.  Silly, really, because they do improve health!

More reading:

The advice in these articles is given freely without promise or obligation. Its all about giving you and your family the tools and information to take control of your health and fitness.

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